Archery Hunting Compound

Elite Ritual 30 Compound Bow RH

Elite Ritual 30 Compound Bow RH
Elite Ritual 30 Compound Bow RH
Elite Ritual 30 Compound Bow RH
Elite Ritual 30 Compound Bow RH
Elite Ritual 30 Compound Bow RH

Elite Ritual 30 Compound Bow RH  Elite Ritual 30 Compound Bow RH
Used elite ritual 30 complete setup just needs the accessories put back on it. The sight is a trophy ridge H4.

The arrow rest is a QAD HDX. The quiver is a G5 headlock.

Then I have a beestinger stabilizer. This bow has set in the closet for about 4 months. The bow is missing some of the decals on the limbs from the pro shop using a bow press.

Elite Ritual 30 Compound Bow RH  Elite Ritual 30 Compound Bow RH